Friday, April 5, 2013

Kuleshov Effect

  For this project we had to utilize clam shell or glamour lighting, and we had to try to create the Kuleshov effect. This is an effect were the subject of the film keeps a neutral expression, and the viewer infers emotion through whatever the subject seems to be looking at. I tried to do something a little different with mine. For a more detailed description of the Kuleshov effect click the link below:

       Kuleshov Effect - explaination

    For the original Kuleshov film, click here:

       Kuleshov effect example


Clamshell Lighting

    For this lighting scenario (if you can understand the diagram) we had to light our subject from above at about a 45 degree angle, and then use a  lower light or reflector to remove the shadows underneath. The lower light or reflector should be about 50% of the intensity of the above KEY light. For this project, we had to use an additional hair or back light on our subject.


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